Classics and LGBTQ+ resources
Steven Hunt bears no responsibility for the content or advice given in them.
Duncan, C. (2024) Why do so many queer people love myths and legends? Pink News.
Exploring Gender Diversity in the Ancient World (Book).
Gender Nonconformance in Phaedrus’s Fabulae (Article)
Hewitt, S & Edwards, L. (2023). 300,000 Kisses. Tales of Queer Love from the Ancient World. Book.
Lesbiantiquity. A zine-anthology of Greek & Latin writings about women loving women c. 640 BC – c. 480 AD.
LGBT Meets SPQR is a collection of authentic Latin texts that highlight LGBTQIA+ topics for the purpose of enhancing representation and facilitating discussion in middle and high school Latin classes (appropriate for ages 14 - 17).
LUCIAN: Dialogues of the Courtesans: Section 5: LEAENA AND CLONARIUM (Translation).
Master, K. (2024). LGBT Meets SPQR: A Sourcebook. Lulu.com
Mitchell, J (2023). Petronius’ Satyrica: The History of a Queer Classic [Blog].
Montero music video - interview with Lil Nas X about Classical Reception (Blog).
Queering the Past. The Classical Association is proud to support ‘Queering the Past(s)’, a new interactive online resource, which has been developed by a team of teachers and scholars to address an important gap in school education on LGBTQ+ subjects and to use information from antiquity to help students gain confidence in addressing modern critical (and contentious) issues.
A style guide for gender inclusivity in the Latin language. (Lupercal).
Blog dialogue: trans studies and classics conversation - pronoun inclusive pedagogy. (Society for Classical Studies.).