Conference presentations
I have presented papers on issues affecting Classics teaching and learning at conferences internationally. These have included:
Ancient History Conference - Harrow School
Harrow School Teachers' Conference on teaching Ancient History. January 30. A comparative study of different countries' examinations for Ancient History.
Classical Teachers' Conference, Sydney, Australia
February 14, Harbour View Hotel, North Sydney. 'Latin Reading-comprehension: why the story matters.'
Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Warwick
March 22-24 Chairing a panel on Introducing Classics in urban and diverse settings. 3 West Midlands schools. Saturday 23 March. University of Warwick. Here.
Delphi Economic Forum
April 10-14, Delphi and Athens, Greece. Here. Spoke on how learning ancient Greek is changing methodologies and how it can contribute to a better society.
Clenardus Classics Conference, Portugal
May 1-4 , Porto, Portugal. Here.
Ontario Student Classical Conference
May 9-11. Brock University, Ontario.
Hands-Up Conference
June 22. Museum of London. Using images for learning language.
University of Sydney, Australia
August 15th. Classics seminar. The revival of Classics in the UK. 'carpe diem!'
Classical Teachers' Conference, Sydney, Australia
August 17th. AI and Classical Languages Learning..
Euroclassica (Italy)
25-28 August, Frascati, Italy. Book launch and discussion of 'Teaching Classics Worldwide'. See video here.
Keynote: Classical Association of South Africa
26-28 September, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Keynote speaker. Reviving Classics - the Prospect from England.
Academy of Athens Greek Language Day, Athens, Greece
7 February 2025: Experiential Teaching of Ancient Languages
ArLT INSET Day: The Dragon School, Oxford, UK
1 March 2025: Teaching Classics Worldwide - assessing the evidence
Liverpool Languages Conference - CA / CfA, Liverpool, UK
21 March 2025: Reading Left to Right. How it works and why we should.​
Hands Up Education Summer Conference: Museum of London, UK
7 June : Subject TBC
American Classical league, Chicago, USA
30 June - 2 July: Classics Teaching Worldwide - lessons from Europe - and beyond​​​​
ArLT Summer School, Monmouth, UK
28 July - 1 August: No more Subject-Object-Verb. A meaning-first, grammar second approach
Euroclassica conference, Sofia, Bulgaria
19-21 August 2025: Subject TBC
Ancient Languages with Comprehensible Input, Cambridge, UK
Can We Preserve Ancient Languages?
Classical Wisdom online seminar (January 11th)
Keynote: Trends and innovations in UK Classics.
Australian Classical Association Conference, Sydney, Australia (February 22nd-24th)
Classical Association Annual Conference, Cambridge: panel convenor for Reading and ICT panels:
Classical Association, Cambridge (April 21st-23rd)
Delphi Forum, Greek Languages Conference, Delphi, Greece:
Delphi Forum (April 27th-28th)
Making Digital History Reading Classics Online Conference:
University of Lincoln (May 15th)
Developments in Ancient Language Pedagogy Conference:
University of Reading (May 19th)
Contextual clues for reading support with intermediate students of Latin:
Institute of the American Classical League, Washington University, St Louis, USA (June 29th-July 1st)
Primary Ancient Languages: Ofsted and Latin.
Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge (28th September)
Active Latin and Greek Conference: Story-building: the why and the how
Haileybury School (21st September).
Latin & Greek in Primary Schools
University of Ghent, Belgium (December) [Classics at Primary School book launch]
'Reading to learn how to read': some new and not-so-new practices.
Harris Federation ITE Annual Conference (October)
Keynote: Active Latin in the Classroom: 'Ten reasons to try Active Latin.'
Harrow School, UK (September)
Big Latin and Little Latin in the UK
Randolph-Macon College, W Virginia, USA (online) (March)
Monsters in the Classroom
International conference on Latin and Greek in Primary Schools (conference organizer) (January)
Reading Latin - what we do and what we should do
Getting Classics into Schools - a multi-partnered approach
Clenardus Conference, Portugal (June)
Really Reading Latin
American Classical League Institute, Charleston (postponed) (June)
Improving learners' vocabulary through teaching about receptions of mythology
Classical Association Annual Conference, Swansea (postponed) (April)
Museums without worksheets with Benjamin Joffe
University Outreach and Classics - the UK model roundtable
at the ACL in New York
What is the Latin that we teach? Who is it for?
Keynote speech at the Euroclassica Conference, London, August 2018.
Latin is Alive. The need for the inclusion of more communicative approaches in the Latin classroom
Paper presented as part of a panel with Mair Lloyd, Clive Letchford (Warwick) and Laura Manning (Kentucky), along with a demonstration workshop, at the Classical Association Annual Conference, Leicester.
Fantasy, Computer Games and Latin. A teenager on the autistic spectrum talks about his worlds.
Teaching Students with Anxiety Conference, University of London.
The reading method is Comprehensible Input
American Classical League Institute, Grand Rapids.
University Outreach for Classics
Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Kent at Canterbury
Differentiation, inter-cultural awareness and literacy; Latin for all
Classical Association of Australia, Sydney
Growing Classics in state schools. Initiatives to increase opportunities for Classics teacher training in response to government policy 2013-4
Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Bristol
Developments in Classical education in the UK, 2010 to the present
Classical Association of South Africa Biennial Conference, Potchefstroom
Organised the Classics in Communities conference, Cambridge
Gove’s Classicists
Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh
Teaching controversial subjects in the secondary school
Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Nottingham
Digital technology in the Classics classroom
i-Greek and e-Latin Conference for the Open University, London
The North Norfolk Latin Cluster Project: a case study
Classics in Communities Conference, Oxford University
The impact of the higher fees regime on applicants for teacher training in Classics
Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Reading
The experiences of the GTP teacher trainees in Classics
Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Exeter
Rhapsody in Classics: putting the pieces together
at the Classics in Comprehensives conference, Oxford