Data and surveys
Here are links to some useful data on classics teaching in the UK and USA.
The author Steven Hunt bears no responsibility for the functioning or accuracy of the links provided here.
List of UK Universities offering classical subjects
List of outreach programmes at UK Universities
Numbers of students taking classical subjects at GCSE and A-level in England and Wales
Working Class Classics Survey 2024. Class in Classics.
Classical Studies Trends: teaching Classics in secondary schools in the UK. Journal of Classics Teaching.
Where can Classics Take You? E-magazine, published by Bloomsbury Publishers.
Types of Examinations in use on the UK - an overview. CUCD Bulletin 2020.
Numbers of placements for Teacher Training offered. See CUCD Bulletin 2023.
Language Trends British Council Report UK 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
BBC report: how do the new GCSE grades add up? (2018)
Modern Language Association shows fall in USA languages enrolments (2015)
USA National Latin Survey (2014)
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages report (2008)
UK Universities offering classical subjects
The following universities offer classical subjects:
Liverpool Hope University
The Open University
University College London
University of Birmingham
University of Bristol
University of Cambridge
University of Lincoln
University of Winchester
The Council of University Classics Departments (CUCD) bulletins can be reached here.
University Outreach
Many of the UK Universities offer outreach programmes for Classics – for teachers and for students. See the links below.
Newcastle University Partners Programme has a Classics track.
Royal Holloway College, University of London: Schools outreach.
University of Birmingham,: Classics and Ancient History outreach.
University of Cambridge: The Greeks, the Romans and Us
University of Manchester: Schools and community engagement
University of Oxford: Classics Outreach
University of Swansea: Including the Literacy Through Latin project
University of Warwick Stoa website
The Council for University Classics Departments has written a helpful guide for university outreach officers to get them started in post. It can be accessed here.
Numbers of students taking GCSE and A level exams in England and Wales
A year-by-year breakdown 2004-present examinations can be found on the CUCD website (includes university entrance figures).
Quick glance below: (Source: OCR 2019)
OCR Entry Level 2019: 896
WJEC Level 1 Certificate Latin Language 2019: 672
WJEC Level 1 Certificate Latin Language and Roman Civilisation 2019: 253
WJEC Level 1 Certificate Latin Literature 2019: Discontinued
WJEC Level 2 Certificate Latin Language 2019: 145
WJEC Level 2 Certificate Latin Language and Roman Civilisation 2019: 120
WJEC Level 2 Certificate Latin Literature 2019: Discontinued
OCR Short-course GCSE 2019: Discontinued
OCR GCSE 2019: 6934
Edquas GCSE: 2656
OCR AS Level 2019: 127
OCR A Level 2019: 1121
Ancient Greek
OCR Entry Level 2019: Discontinued
OCR Short-course GCSE 2019: Discontinued
OCR GCSE 2019: 1204
OCR AS Level 2019: 26
OCR A Level 2019: 213
Classical Civilisation
OCR Short-course GCSE 2019: Discntinued
OCR GCSE 2019: 3616
OCR AS Level 2019: 467
OCR A Level 2019: 2946
Ancient History
OCR Short Course GCSE 2019: Discontuned
OCR GCSE 2019: 908
OCR AS Level 2019: 195
OCR A Level 2019: 676
OCR AS Level 2019: Discontinued
OCR A Level 2019: Discontinued