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Inclusion in Classics


The following articles and resources are drawn from a number of sources, including those of Ashleigh Scheider who gave a presentation on the topic at the ACL conference in New York in June 2019. I am indebted to her.

Theoretical Frameworks

Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain

Is Implicit Bias Racist?

Zaretta Hammond


The Science of Learning

Deans for Impact

An executive summary of cognitive science of learning. See especially the last section of #5: What motivates students to learn?


The Evidence Base for How We Learn: Supporting Students’ Social, Emotional, and Academic Development

Stephanie M. Jones and Jennifer Kahn

A review of the positive learning outcomes of SEL programs in school.


Second Language Acquisition

Stephen Krashen


Curriculum as Window and Mirror

Emily Style (National SEED Project)


Building Advisory Buy-In

Institute for Social and Emotional Learning

You can easily insert “Latin Student” for “Advisory” in this title. This is a great summary of ways to deepen your relationships with your students.


Harvard Implicit Bias Project

Online tests for studying your own implicit biases.


Latin For All Identities

Bethanie Sawyer

Teaching Tools

Using Stock Photos to Generate Language 

Justin Slocum Bailey (Indwelling Language) 


Park, A. (2025) [Blog] The Benefits and Costs of DEI Research in Classics. SCS Blog.


Picturae Database

The Pericles Group


Diversity: Positive Qualities for Characters

John Bracey 


Magister Bracey's Comprehensible Latin

How to make Latin comprehensible and inclusive for all


How Theatre Taught Me Empathy

Patrick Allan (Lifehacker)


A list of Latin Novellas

Latin Teacher Toolbox


Cloelia: Puella Romana Resources

Latin Teacher Toolbox


Latin Best Practices: Comprehensible Input Resources


Pomegranate Beginnings

A CI blog by Rachel Ash and Miriam Patrick



A CI blog by Jennie Luongo, Lauren Dill, and Ashley Schneider

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