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Novellas and resources for fluency reading in Classical languages


The following resources have been developed over the last few years by teachers of Latin and ancient Greek for use with beginning and intermediate learners of Latin and ancient Greek in schools.

Steven Hunt bears no responsibility for the content or advice given in them.


Articles about writing and using novellas


Conway, D. (2021). Style variations in Latin novellas: an analysis of three authors’ works. The Classical Outlook, 96, 3, 114-119.


Cooper, M. (2022). To Read or Not to Read: Trialling an Extensive Reading Program in a Year 10 Latin Classroom. Journal of Classics Teaching. 


Garvey, T. (2025). Cynisca: Victrix Olympiaca


Hendrickson, T. and Pisarello, A. Student-Created Editions of Latin Texts. Teaching Classical Languages, 13.1,6-22.


Hunt, S. (2022). Novellas and Free Voluntary Reading: An overview and some starting points for further research into practice. Journal of Classics Teaching, 23(46), 176-183.


Hurt, C. (2024) [Blog] We need to talk about Latinitas. Found in Antiquity. 


Olimpi, A. (2019). Legere discitur legendo: Extensive reading in the Latin classroom. Journal of Classics Teaching, 20(39), 83-89.


Patrick, M. (2019). Free Voluntary Reading and Comprehensible Input. Journal of Classics Teaching, 20(39), 78-82.


Piantaggini, L. (2021). Teaching Latin with novellas to students who do not know Latin and do not care much about the Romans. The Classical Outlook, 96, 3, 102-107.


Piazza, J. (2017). Beginner Latin novels. A general overview. Teaching Classical Languages, 8.2, 154-166.


Ramsby, T. (2022). The Utility and Representational Opportunity of Latin Novellas. New England Classical Journal, 49,1, 101-111.


Shelton, C. (2021). Latin novellas in the college classroom. The Classical Outlook, 96, 3, 93-101.


Vanderpool, E. (2021). Novellas as a bridge to authentic Latin literature. The Classical Outlook, 96, 3, 108-113.


Vanderpool, E. (2021). [Blog] Uplifting voices of the past through Latin novellas. Brighter Thinking.


Latin novellas


In preparation


Cato Minor: Puer Fortis et Immobilis  John Bruce Fowler III. 2021 


Cato Minor: Puer Inversus et Pendulus John Bruce Fowler III. 2021 


Tarpeia: Puella Invidiosa John Bruce Fowler III. 2021 


Cadmus: A Latin Novella  John Bruce Fowler III. 2022


Belua Neptuni. Michael Dibycz. 2023.


Hyacinthus Michael Hirschler 2022


Familia Mala: Saturnus et Iuppiter Andrew Olimpi 2018


Duo Fratres: Familia Mala Volumen II Andrew Olimpi 2020


Pandora: Familia Mala Volumen III: A Latin Novella. Andrew Olimpi. 2020


Via Periculosa: A Latin Novella. Andrew Olimpi. 2018


ego, Polyphemus. Andrew Olimpi.  2018


Labyrinthus: A Latin Novella Andrew Olimpi 2018


Vox in Tenebris: A Latin Novella Andrew Olimpi 2020


Lars Romam Odit Andrew Olimpi 2020


Idus Martiae Andrew Olimpi 2021


Iter Icari William J Simpson 2014


Cloelia, puella Romana. Ellie Arnold. 2016


Polypus Fur: A Latin Novella Rachel Beth Cunning 2022


Greek novellas


In preparation

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