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Classics teaching, VR and AI


Books and articles about teaching and learning Classics with VR and AI.


Steven Hunt bears no responsibility for the content or advice given in them.


BBC and Open University (2024). Pompeii. The new dig. Interactive guided tour of Pompeii.

Cole, R. (2023). [Blog] VR, Games, & Storytelling Panel – ‘Platform Cultures’. Bristol Digital Games Lab.

Johnson, T. (2024). Ten minute trips: a case study examining student perceptions of the value of virtual reality in A-level Classical Civilisation. Journal of Classics Teaching. 
Virtual Reality Oracle Project. 

Baker, C. (2023). Homeric Hallucinations: Can AI Write Classics Essays? Antigone Journal. 
Burns, P. (2023). [Blog] How Much Latin Does ChatGPT “Know”? SCS.

Burns, P. (2024) "(Re)Active Latin: Computational Chat as Future Colloquia," New England Classical Journal: Vol. 51 : Iss. 1 , 1-18.
Díaz-Sánchez C, Chapinal-Heras D. (2023). Use of Open Access AI in teaching classical antiquity. A methodological proposal. Journal of Classics Teaching. Published online1-5.

Morley, N. (2024). Generative AI and Classical Studies. CUCD Bulletin 53.

Peddar D. (2025). Utilising Generative AI in the Classics classroom. Journal of Classics Teaching.
Ross, E. A. S. (2023). A New Frontier: AI and Ancient Language Pedagogy. Journal of Classics Teaching. 24(48):143-161.
Ross, E. [Blog} ChatGPT: a conversational language study tool
Ross, E. A. S. , Baines, J.,  Hunter, J., McRitchie Pratt, F.. and Patel, N. (2024). Digital Tools for Learning Ancient Greek and Latin and Guiding Phrases for Using Generative AI in Ancient Language Study. 
Ross EAS. and 
Baines J. Treading water: new data on the impact of AI ethics information sessions in classics and ancient language pedagogy. Journal of Classics Teaching.

Wegerif, R. (2023). [Blog] Will ChatGPT turn education back to Socrates?
Yue, E. (n.d.). [Blog}. Greek and Latin Speech Engines. 


Current Archaeology (2024). UCL creates 3D digital model of Welwyn Roman Baths. 
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